Amber Walz, ND, RH (AHG)
Naturopathic & Herbal Medicine
Natural medicine individualized to create a strong foundation of health, and foster empowerment.
I’m dedicated to providing exceptional naturopathic medical care, as well as, health consulting services that transcend geographical boundaries. With my naturopathic and herbal approach, and commitment to your well-being, I ensure that you receive the highest standard of care.
Hello, I’m Amber Walz.
Why I do what I do
I'm on a quest to provide quality medical services as a conscientious practitioner with an emphasis on prevention and quality of life. I've always had a passion for helping others and continually strive to make a difference. I desire to change the outlook on medicine to encompass the whole person, not separate systems. My dream is for true integration of medicine that looks beyond separation of philosophy for the ultimate benefit for the patient. My own beliefs stem from constant curiosity and a desire to learn and grow in ways that I'm in service to others.
What I can do for you
My ultimate goal is to create self-empowerment through education and service. I provide tools for each patient and a new outlook on health by acting as an instrument for healing and increasing a person's internal vital force to allow the body to heal itself. This is done through building upon a strong lifestyle foundation that addresses spiritual, mental emotional, physical, and nutritional needs. Though additional symptom management may be indicated, it's by building a strong foundation that optimal health is acquired and maintained.
-Dr. Amber Walz, ND
Naturopathic medicine is a health care profession emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage the self-healing process and promote longevity. A naturopathic doctor is trained in primary care and diagnoses and treats the root cause of disease using the least invasive methods. The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern, traditional, scientific, and empirical methods of care.
Naturopathic medicine is based on a set of principles and a therapeutic order that guides care. The principles consist of: first do no harm, the healing power of nature, treat the cause, treat the whole person, physician as teacher, and prevention. The therapeutic order helps determine the level of intervention necessary using the least invasive and most prudent course of treatment. The levels of therapeutic intervention are: to re-establish the conditions of health, stimulate the vis (increase vitality), support and restore organ systems, correct structural integrity, prescribe specific natural substances, prescribe specific pharmacological substances, and use higher force interventions if necessary.
A naturopathic doctor is a world-class expert in natural medicine. Treatment methods include the use of therapeutic nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine, and lifestyle modification. Slow medicine is part of the naturopathic care model. The most profound change can occur with lifestyle modifications and foundational treatment modalities that require patient compliance. The role of the practitioner is to educate the patient and provide the best care and treatment options suited to the individual's needs that will facilitate healing and patient empowerment.
Addressing underlying environmental illness, exposures, and chronic infections is involved in prevention and treatment of underlying disease.
A growing number of people suffer from chronic conditions, like: diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, lung and kidney disease that can be effectively treated with natural therapies to improve quality of life.
Regulation and management of adrenal, thyroid, and sex hormones can improve sleep quality, improve mood and focus, metabolism, and energy.
Symptoms of imbalance range from emotional irritability, hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, loss of hair, changes in menstrual cycle, and weight gain.
Brain health is multifactorial and can be impacted by trauma (physical or mental emotional), genetics, lifestyle factors, nutrient deficiencies, or correlate with other disease or illness.
Common symptoms of anxiety, depression, memory, or cognition can be managed with integrative natural therapies.
Women’s health is managing the interplay of hormones, stress, reproductive health, sexual health, and preventative care of risk factors and related conditions.
Women’s health also encompasses guiding women through the phases of a woman’s life, and providing proven, natural, supportive therapies.
Structure governs function, and the nervous system is the body's communication system. Treatment addresses improving innervation, fitness, mobility, and function.
Symptoms can include: aches and pains, loss of joint range of motion, and loss of muscle mass.
Autoimmune diseases are on the rise. Focus on regulating immune function with natural therapies can reduce severity and relapse of symptoms, and if caught early enough, reverse the disease.
Common symptoms associated are fatigue, low endurance, joint aches, rashes, and digestive concerns.