
Wellness Visits & Procedures

Patient Initial Consultation: 60- 90 minutes

  • Initial paperwork & intake

  • Review of history & previous labs

  • Full review of systems & physical exams

  • Ordering follow up diagnostics with comprehensive evaluation


Patient Follow-Up Consultation: 30- 60 minutes

  • Review of labs & further evaluation

  • Treatments & recommendations


Distance Wellness Education Consultation: 60- 90 minutes

  • Initial paperwork & intake

  • Lifestyle guidance & recommendations

Additional Services:

  • Weight Management Program

  • Corrective Exercise Therapy

  • Craniosacral Therapy/ NET

  • Therapeutic Nutrition Counseling

  • Ayurvedic Medicine Assessment

  • Procedures- Micronutrient IV’s, Injections, and Aesthetics




The use of botanical medicine is cross-cultural. Plant based medicine has been proven to be a safe and effective way of treating many conditions. Methods of treatment employ the use single herbs, or they are compounded into preparations of infusions, teas, tinctures, lotions, creams, salves, poultices, compresses, oxymiels, and more.

Homeopathy was developed using the principle of "like cures like." A dilution of a substance is used to treat a disease process or illness that in a crude dose would cause an otherwise healthy individual to exhibit the presenting symptoms. This approach nudges the body to recognize the imbalance and self-heal.



The use of nutrition and supplementation for treatment is a safe and effective way to enhance physiological and biochemical mechanisms that regulate our health. Managed correctly, this gentle approach to health in conjunction with lifestyle modification can prevent and treat illness without side effects, and increase longevity.



Physical medicine using spinal, structural, and visceral manipulation promotes healthy alignment and organ function.

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle form of physical medicine that corrects alignment and rhythm of cranial bones and promotes optimum flow of the cerebrospinal fluid in the nervous system.

Intravenous and injection therapy is the use of specific formulated high-dose nutrients to treat various conditions.

Physiotherapy methods, like ultrasound, low-level laser therapy, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation, improve healing of tissue and relieve pain.